1. https://acf.international/media/Contributors_to_th...
... Артём Анатольевич,Branov Artyom Anatolievich,,,10.11.1985,M,"Deputy Governor ... divorce. She uses funds obtained through corruption, benefiting from ...
Name ru,Name en,Transliterations,Countries,DOB,Gender,Description,Tags Ярмольник Леонид Исаакович,Yarmolnik Leonid Isaakovich,,,22.01.1954,M,"Soviet and Russian theater, film, voice-over and dubbing actor, producer, television and radio presenter, social and political figure. Publicly supported Russian aggression against Ukraine.",Sellout opinion leaders Фазылов Ринат Рафаэлевич,Fazylov Rinat Rafaelevich,,,,M,"Trusted representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin in the non-competitive presidential election on March 15-17, 2024. Trusted representatives voluntarily campaign for the re-election of Vladimir Putin, who is responsible for unleashing an aggressive war against Ukraine and political repression in Russia.",Presidential proxies in elections Сапрыгин Юрий Сергеевич,Saprygin Yuri Sergeevich,,,,M,"Trusted representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin in the non-competitive presidential election on March 15-17, 2024. Trusted representatives voluntarily campaign for the re-election of Vladimir Putin, who is responsible for unleashing an aggressive war against Ukraine and political repression in Russia.",Presidential proxies in elections Чагин Алексей Михайлович,Chagin Alexey Mikhailovich,,,04.07.1971,M,"Trusted representative of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin in the non-competitive presidential election on March 15-17, 2024. Trusted representatives voluntarily campaign for the re-election of Vladimir Putin, who is responsible for unleashing an...
2. Archive Browser - West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture & History
10 nov 2024 · Stay up to date with all things arts, culture and history in West Virginia! Sign up for our newsletter and be the first to know about events, ...
3. Псы Попсы – Podcast - Podtail
Каждую неделю мы — Артём, Сава и Серёжа — собираемся, чтобы обсудить горячие новости мира звезд. ... 37:10 Divorce, babe, divorce. Как инфлюенсерка из ОАЭ ...
Подкаст о поп-культуре. Каждую неделю мы — Артём, Сава и Серёжа — собираемся, чтобы обсудить горячие новости мира звезд. Не с кем обсудить новую перезапись Тейлор Свифт, поп-скандал в твиттере и первое место в биллборде? Тогда слушайте Псы Попсы. Новые эпизоды раз в неделю. Вопросы, пожелания, сплетни: pop.dogs.cast@gmail.com Обложки выпусков, бекстейдж: https://www.instagram.com/pop.dogs.cast/ Поп-новости и псы попсы на каждый день в телеграме: https://t.me/popdogscast xx, Псы Попсы – Listen to Псы Попсы instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed.
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4. [XLS] Полный список на 09.09.2022 - Anti-Corruption Foundation
9 sep 2022 · ... Артём Давидович, Avetisyan Artyom Davidovich, 28.07.1976, male, Member ... divorce" scheme to circumvent the need for Lebedev, as a State ...
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5. [PDF] ВЫПУСК 2023
Parental Divorce. Чершинцева Мария Александровна, старший преподаватель кафедры ... Getting Out of Symbiosis by. Strengthening the Third. Чекункова Ольга ...
6. Na Na Na feat. Edgar Sanue - Single ZALC, Kesia BAILE DA GRU ...
11 nov 2024 · Fédération Française d'Athlétisme.
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негативной оценкой (conflict, discord, divorce, war) и объединены ... get to see Dresden do one of the most cheerful things a city is capable of doing when ...
... getting social benefits, enjoying life and as an entertainment throwing bricks to the police cars. Another problem is that there are serious social issues ...
9. vocab.txt - Hugging Face
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15 nov 2017 · Пилипенко Артем Сергеевич – студент ІІІ курса, спец. ... «Like the Saturday divorce flight from La Guardia to Juarez…» [6, с ...
11. [PDF] Осмысливая прошлом и созидая настоящее (в русле направлений
25 okt 2023 · Аксенов, А. Н. Боханов, В. Я. Лаверычев, Б. Н. Миронов,. Б. Н ... parents and children from post-divorce families at all stages of divorce.
12. [PDF] Министерство образования Московской области
... АРТЁМ ВЛАДИМИРОВИЧ, студент 4 курса факультета психологии МГОГИ. Научный ... divorce happen, it is harder to enter the workforce if you don't have a ...