The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina (2024)

1 2A DURHAM MORNING HERALD THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1986 Daily Briefing Doctor Says Arafat Had Virus Infection AMMAN, Jordan (AP) Palestine Liberation Organization chairman Yasser Arafat is recovering from a virus infection and should be over it in a week, his doctor said Wednesday. "He had a virus infection, and that virus caused fever, severe headaches, general malaise and fatigability," said Dr. Ashrab Kurdi in a telephone interview. Ex-Prime Minister Granted Pardon COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) President Junius Jayewardene granted a pardon to former Prime Minister Sirima Bandaranaike as well as three other officials who had been found guilty of abuse of power. The Presidential Secretariat said the pardon was Jayewardene's first official act of the new Mrs.

year. A Bandaranaike, three-judge 69, guilty commission of abuse had of found. when she was prime minister from 1970-77. She also was prime minister from 1960-65. IRA Guerrillas Kill 2 Policemen, Hurt 1 BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) Just one minute into the new year, Irish Republican Army guerrillas killed two policemen and wounded a third in an ambush that the IRA said launched a renewed campaign against British security forces.

New Year's Eve parties were hailing the arrival of 1986 when a 5-pound bomb exploded in a garbage can on a street corner as the three-man patrol walked by. Police said three hooded guerrillas detonated the bomb by remote control from a house where they had held a family at gunpoint for six hours. They then fired shots a at the fallen policemen before fleeing. attack occurred in a sure heavily patrolled area of central Armagh. No N.Y.

Police Officers Killed On Duty NEW YORK (AP) For the first time in 27 years, the city Police Department made it through a year with no members killed in the line of duty, a representative said. Three officers were killed while in 1985. Sgt. Tina Mohrmann, the police spokeswoman, said files showed 1958 was the last year no officers were killed on duty. Leaning Tower 'In Excellent Shape' PISA, Italy (AP) The Leaning Tower of Pisa is in excellent shape and there appears to have been less new tilt in 1985 than in the past, an Italian professor said.

Giuseppe Toniolo, head of a group maintaining the landmark, said in his annual report that the tower "enjoys excellent health." However, he did not reveal the amount of new tilt as he has done in the past on New Year's Day, saying that the tests still were being analyzed. Bomb Injures Woman In Amsterdam AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) A bomb exploded outside the Bulgarian tourist agency, shattering the window and injuring a bystander, police said. There was no one in the office, which was closed for New Year's Day, when the explosion occurred shortly before 5 p.m. A woman passing by was slightly injured by flying glass. New York Tribune Resumes Publication NEW YORK (AP) The New York City Tribune resumed publication than four months with an edition sent to subscribers.

Robert J. Morton, editor of the Manhattan daily, said Monday's edition would be the first available at newsstands. Defector May Take On Chess Champion TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) Chess master Victor Korchnoi has hinted that he may take on world champion Gary Kasparov. Korchnoi, who defected from the Soviet Union in 1976, said he announced last year that he would not play former chess champion Anatoly Karpov because Karpov "had become a political symbol of the Soviet Union." But since Kasparov defeated Karpov this fall, "I hope that my ambition will appear again" to compete for the world chess crown, Korchnoi said over the telephone. Angels Protest Increase In N.Y.

Fares NEW YORK (AP) New York City's bus and subway fare rose from 90 cents to $1 Wednesday, and nine members of the Guardian Angels group were arrested protesting the increase. The selfappointed anti-crime patrol announced its protest in advance. Angels leader Curtis Sliwa and eight followers lined up in columns at four turnstiles in a midtown Manhattan subway station, jammed dollar bills into the token slots and tamped them down with narrow metal rods. Pope Accepts Sri Lanka Invitation COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) Pope John Paul II has accepted an invitation from the Sri Lanka government and the Catholic Church to visit the island nation in the Indian Ocean, but no date has been set. 2 Earthquakes Panic Eastern Turkey ANKARA, Turkey (AP) Two earthquakes (AP Laserphoto) Officials behind tail section of DC-3 discuss crash that killed singer Ricky Nelson and six others Engine Woes Preceded Nelson Crash DE KALB, Texas (AP) The DC-3 that crashed and killed singer Rick Nelson and six others had engine trouble before its last flight, and one member of Nelson's band had talked of quitting because he didn't trust the plane, friends and relatives said Wednesday.

Nelson, 45, who became known to millions of Americans as a youngster on his family's Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet TV series, was flying with his fiancee and five members of his band from Alabama to Dallas for a New Year's Eve concert when the plane crashed near De Kalb, Texas. The pilot and co-pilot survived and were hospitalized with burns, with the pilot in fair condition and the -pilot in critical condition. National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Jim Burnett said Wednesday that investigators were not sure if the fire that consumed the wreckage was ignited before the plane clipped power lines and crashed into a pasture. Witnesses reported smoke trailing from the plane. "In aviation, smoke does not always indicate fire," Burnett said at a news conference.

Nelson and his band had appeared Monday at PJ's Lounge in Guntersville, and took off Tuesday. Lynn Upton, wife of PJ's co-owner Pat Upton, a former member of Nelson's Stone Canyon band, said Nelson had trouble with the DC-3 on his flight from Orlando, to Guntersville. The trouble reappeared Tuesday. "They were re having trouble with the left engine. It wouldn't crank over," Mrs.

Upton said. "Everyone was concerned over this one engine. Pat asked that they stay and fly out of Huntsville a commercial Mrs. Upton said the pilots "worked on the engine and felt better about it. Rick felt he had to be there for the show." Burnett said he could not confirm that the plane had mechanical trouble.

FAA flight service in Anniston, said the plane was registered to Century Equipment Co. of Los Angeles. Telephone calls to the company Wednesday went unanswered. Laurel Barzie, sister-in-law of band member Andy Chapin, 30, who died in the crash, said from Los Angeles that the DC-3 had developed a problem with one of its engines about a month ago and that Chapin was afraid to fly in it. "He didn't want to go on that airplane," she told the Dallas Morning News.

"He complained and complained for months. He was going to quit the job because he didn't want to go on that plane." 8 American Tourists Killed In Crash PUNTA ARENAS, Chile (AP) Eight A American tourists flying to Antarctica to celebrate New Year's Eve died along with two Chilean crewmen when their plane passed a fogshrouded landing strip and crashed, officials said Wednesday. The dead Americans were identified as Ben Callis, 33, Key West; Irving Lambrecht, 63, retired, Los Angeles; Wayne Riddle, 61, engineer, Buchanan, Mich; 33, petroleum manager, 'Carmichael, James M. Jasper, 56, librarian, Oxnard, Walter P. Michael, 72, teacher, Columbus, Ohio; James C.

Howell, 43, teacher, Yellow Springs, Ohio; and Paul R. Cox, 59, teacher, Brooklyn, N.Y. There were no survivors in Tuesday's crash on Nelson Island, 4 degrees north of the Antarctic Circle and six miles from a Chilean air base on King George Island, the charter plane's des- Wyatt Dixon From 1A tination. Helicopter pilots with the Chilean air force found 10 bodies in the wreckage of the twin-engine Cessna Titan 404 on Nelson Island Tuesday evening, said Felipe Molina, a spokesman for the Aeropetrel charter company, which owned the plane. The Americans chartered the plane from Punta Arenas, Chile's southernmost city, to Lt.

Marsh Base, an air force installation in the South Shetland Islands in Antarctic territory, Molina said. The base has a 40-room lodge that is used by the Chilean government to promote tourism. They left the United States on Dec. 21 and spent Christmas in the lake district of southern Chile, according to Hanns Ebensten of Hanns Ebensten Travel Inc. of Key West, which arranged the tour.

shook eastern Turkey, causing panic among the friend of scores of citizens through several genera- No. 352 and American Legion Post 7. Honorary pallbearers will be members of the population but no injuries, the semi-official He was a member of Duke Memorial United H.E. Spence Bible Class and the Durham Lions. Anatolia news agency reported.

Besides his talents as journalist and historian, Methodist Church and the H.E. Spence Bible Class. Club. The Triangle National The 140. Forecast 30 for 7 p.m.

EST. Jan. 2 20 The Nation International Sunny today. High in the Temperatures 50 Temperatures HI Lo WINT HI LO lower 50s. Light northeast Albany 26 72 It rained and snowed most snow for any month Amsterdam 37 27 cdy Manila 91 68 cir wind.

Fair tonight. Low Albuquerque 50 cir 30 in the the Northwest record in December Athens 64 90 59 rm Mexico City unavailable Amarilio on Bangkok 70 cir Montreal 21 07 coy around 30. Partly cloudy Anchorage .12 Wednesday, while win- 68.4 inches, while Barbados 82 73 cdy Moscow 21 16 cir Friday. High in the mid-50s. Asheville cd Beirut 66 57 cir Nassou 75 59 a at Atlanta 40 ter storm warning was Watertown, N.Y., had its Belgrade 37 28 cdy New Delhi 44 Atlantic City unavailable Nicosia 46 coy Austin 50 Montana west snowiest month on Bermuda 69 66 cdy Osio 01 cove issued for Baltimore of the Continental Di- record 108.1 inches.

Bogota 64 34 cir Paris 21 cdv Yesterday: Billings at Brussels 36 27 cdy Peking 10 cir Highest Temperature 51 (11c) Birmingham coY vide. Erie, had a record Buenos Aires unavailable Rio de Janeiro 69 cir Lowest Temperature 35 (2c) Bismarck 73 50 cdy Rome cir Cairo Mean Temperature 43 Boise 60 snow around for of 59.9 41 21 cdy Santiago cir More fell December Calgary Above Normal day Boston coy the Great Lakes. Caracas unavailable 5a0 Paulo 64 cov Brownsville coy inches. Copenhagen 32 30 cdy Seoul cir Heat Degree 22 Buffalo 70 Five inches of low Dublin 43 38 new Record 32 rn Singapore 75 High Seasonal Total 1,150 Burlington, Vt. sn Temperatures average Frankfurt 25 10 cir Stockholm 48 cr Cool Degree Days .0 Casper cdy -70 snow fell atop Washing- temperatures for Decem- Geneva 30 27 cdy Sydney cir Seasonal Total Charleston, S.C 02 coy 70 70 Havana unavalloble Taipel 46 Precipitation day 0 Charleston, W.

Va. ton's Stampede Pass dur- ber included 12.6 de- Heisinki 19 18 Tel Aviv 45 cdr Precipitation month 0 Charlotte cov FRONTS: ing the morning, and 4 at Boise, Idaho. Hong Kong 59 50 cir Tokyo 45 cdv Below Normal month .........0.11 Chevenne cdv grees Istanbul 59 46 rn Toronto 25 18 caY Precipitation year. 0 Chicago coy Warm Cold inches fell at Spokane, On the other hand, Johannesburg 66 50 cdy Vancouver 37 Jerusalem Below Normal year 0.11 Cincinnati cdv Wash. Snow fell Kiev 82 61 cir Vienna 21 cdy.

1 Clevelond Showers Ran Flumes Snow Occluded. Stationary in the Fairbanks, Alaska, had 27 23 sn Warsaw 13 a.m.: temperature 41, humidity 86 cdv Lima 7 a.m.t temperature 36, humidity 85 Columbus. Oh. coy northern Rockies, but a its warmest December Lisbon unavallable 59 43 p.m.: temperature 48, humidity 39 Concord, N.H MI Lo Prc Otik HI Lo PrE Offk few places got rain and at 7.7 degrees, London 45 37 cdy Temperatures and weather conditions 7 p.m.: temperature 37, humidity 48 Dallas-F1 Worth cdy Midind-Odessa 38 .03 cdy Shreveport 52 34 cdy average Madrid 45 27 rn from midnight to midnight on previous day. Sun sets today of Dayton coy Milwaukee cdy Sioux Fails cdv freezing rain.

up from a normal 10.1 Rises tomorrow at 7:26 Denver Mpis-5t Pout cov Spokane 38 cdy Des Moines coy Nashville cir 5vrocuse 07 Icy highways around below zero and the old Last Quarter New First Quarter Full Duluth Detroit .01 coy sn New New York Orleans cov Topeka Tucson coy cir Portland, New record of 5.3 degrees. Three-Day Forecast El Paso Evansville cir North Norfolk. Platte Va. .23 cdy cir Tulsa Washington cir Year's Eve closed part of Temperatures around Fairbonks 05 cdy Oklahoma City cir Wichita dr Interstate 84 along the the nation at 2 p.m. EST the Partly 50s except some Saturday.

40s in the Highs moun- in logstaff Orlando cdv Wilmington, Del. 3 .02 cdv Columbia Gorge for ranged from 4 degrees at cloudy Forgo cdy Omaha Wilkes Borre sn tains. Lows in the 305 except some Great Grand Fotis Rapids 01 coY sn Phoenix Philadelphia Temperatures indicate previous day's more than five hours. Warroad, to 82 20s in the mountains Cloudy with a cdy Highs chance in of the 40s precipitation Sunday. Hortford coy Portland.

Pittsburgh Me coy high and overnight low to 8 p.m. warnings were degrees at Fort Jan. 3 Jan. 10 Jan. Greensboro cdy EST.

Gale Lauder17 Jan. 25 the 30s. Fair and cooler lows Monday with Helena Honofutu 01 cdy cOY Portland. Providence Or 35. and mostly In issued for the Washing.

dale, Fla. The low for the highs mostly in the 40s. Lows mostly Houston cOy Rapid City ton coast, and high wind day was 18 below zero atin the 20s. Indianapolis cOy Jackson, Ms. coy Reno Richmond .10 coy cir Lake Levels warnings were Montana.

up for Warroad. Morning Stars Evening Star The State Kansas City coy cir St Pete- Tampa cdy Falls: 250 Feet weather service The Weather Service's 24- Mercury Jupiter Juneau rn St Louis cir Jocksonville cdv Sacramento cdy south Las Vegas Salt Lake City noted that that records Venus Little Rock coy San Antonio .01 coy hour radio weather broadcast Los Angeles cdy San Diego coy Jordan: 215.8 Feet had toppled during can be heard in Durham on Mars Sunny today with highs mostly in Louisville: cdv Son Froncisco cdy the 50s. Fair tonight with lows rang- Lubbock cdy San Juan, P. R. cdy Kerr: missing December.

162.55 mHz. The call letters Saturn ing from the 20s to the 30s in the Memphis cir St Ste Marie are WXL-50. southeast and on the coost. Miomi Beach coy Seattle 57 cdv Buffalo, N.Y., had its The Place To Be For Weather! Weather 6. and 11pm Center life of our city and of our state." Dixon had "those human It was in 1933, working with The Durham Sun, humor and friendliness that that Dixon's interest in history was first directed to wonderful relationship with writing a weekly account of his experiences in the Rollins said.

war under the title, "Along the Rol- For more than 25 years, lins said. Empty Stocking Club, which "Over the years, Mr. Dixon has become known leged families at Christmas. not only as a newspaper writer but a Durham histo- He was a charter member rian, certainly in the popular Rollins said. Lions Club, and over the years "Looking over his writings, particularly in the col- dent and secretary.

He umn, through countless descriptions of people, Service Award in 1969. places and events, and legend, we can develop a He served on the Durham picture of Durham's past and its growth over the Beverage Control Board decades. During those years, he became a familiar chairman for 30 years. figure in many circles throughout our city, and a He was a member of the U.S. To Help Mexico Borrow $4 Billion In '86 To Pay Debts N.Y.

Times service WASHINGTON President Reagan is expected to assure President Miguel de la Madrid of Mexico this week that the United States will help Mexico borrow $4 billion in 1986. The two leaders are to hold talks Friday in Mexicali, Mexico, on the U.S. border. Mexico says it needs $4 billion to meet next year's obligations, including interest on its nearly $100 billion of foreign debts, the highest in the Third World after Brazil. Treasury Secretary James A.

Baker 3d is also going to the four-hour meeting in Mexicali, to tell de la Madrid that the United States wants Mexico to stem the flight of capital and strengthen the role of private enterprise. Baker said in that countries seeking U.S. assistance in finding new capital must increase domestic investment and rely more on a market-oriented economy. Mexico, which has a long tradition of government intervention in the economy dating from the nationalization of the oil industry and railroads in the late may have trouble fully satisfying the Reagan administration. Analysts say much of the $100 billion that Mexico owes ended up in bank accounts in Switzerland instead of being used to improve the domestic; economy.

"It's perfectly clear to me that there is a crisis of confidence in the private sector that has contributed to capital flight," said Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, a managing director of the First Boston: Corp. and a former Peruvian minister of energy and mines. "No country can induce growth until it can attract its own capital in its own development," said Robert J. Morris, former deputy; under secretary of state for nomic Affairs and now Washington representative of the U.S. Council for Internatonal Business.

A senior administration official, who asked not to be identified, echoed these sentiments, noting, "This is not a problem, that can be solved merely by' throwing money at them." A key Republican congressional aide just returned from Mexico commented: "It does not look good down there. Yet we can't stand idly by. Should Mexico get into real trouble, it would put all our other problems on the back burner." Mexico was wracked by the devastating earthquake on Sept. 19 and its aftershocks, which did more than $4 billion worth of damage and took as many as 10.000 lives. Its financial problems havebeen compounded by declining oil prices.

A telex from the Chilean air force's tour office told the Americans to bring formal suits for a New Year's Eve dinner, Ebensten told The Associated Press by telephone from Key West. The trip called for a 48-hour stay at the Chilean air base, said Molina. "They were all looking forward to this Ebensten said. "It was to be something really special." Most of the Americans had previously traveled to other remote places, he said. Employees at the Cape Horn Hotel in Punta Arenas said the group had arrived from Argentina on Saturday, and was to have flown to Antarctica on Monday.

But the flight was delayed because of bad weather. Antarctica is a growing attraction for sightseers in cruise ships and charter flights, but Chile is the first country to offer overnight accommodations there. qualities of warmth, we all admire and a his wife and Dixon worked with the assisted underprivi- in 1946 of the Durham served as its presireceived the Lions Club County Alcoholic for 35 years, and was Durham Masonic Lodge He wrote the church history, Ninety Years of Memorial Church, 1886-1976. Dixon was also honored by the Durham Chamber of Commerce in 1951 and the Durham Merchants; Association in 1948. Besides his wife, Dixon is survived by a son, Wyatt T.

Dixon Jr. of Durham, and two grandsons, Wyatt T. Dixon III and Banks Dixon, both of Durham. The family will receive friends at HowertonBryan Funeral Home today from 7 to 9 p.m. Instead of flowers, the family suggests that memorial contributions may be made to the Duke MemorialUnited Methodist Church Elevator Fund or to the: Kings Daughters and Sons..

The Herald-Sun from Durham, North Carolina (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.